

Hi Anderson,

Thank you for these suggestions. alpha112 did the trick!

Following up on your visualization suggestions, have you had any luck with loading surface-based (Freesurfer) results from PALM into either Surf Ice or MRIcroGL? Any suggestions you could provide would be greatly appreciated. I initially created the 4D concatenated inputs using mri_concat on my subjects’ lh.thickness.fwhm15.fsaverage.mgh, for example. The palm results are .mgz, which MRIcroGL and the newest version of Surf Ice can load, but I’ve had no success loading something other than a uniform surface/map with what appears to be 0s at every vertex. Bruce Fischl wasn’t sure on how to address the format issue for Surf Ice and Chris Rorden suggested I reach out to you. Have you had luck with any particular coordinate conversions? I’ve tried a wide variety of background volumes/surfaces for overlaying the palm output results (i.e., .mgz and converted .nii), but I consistently get a uniform map of 0s. In case it’s helpful to know, here are the updated versions:

Fsl 5.0.3
Freesurfer  5.3.0
Surf Ice v1.0.20181114
MRIcroMTL 1.2.20181114+

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, and thank you for your time and thoughts!

With gratitude,


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