

***apologies for cross-posting***

    Dear all,

    we would like to draw your attention on the following call for paper

    the next ISA Interim Meeting RC52 "Sociology of Professional groups" to

    be held in Florence, July 4th-6th, 2019. The session is entitled

    of Professionalism. Exploring heterogeneity within and between

    professions" and it is coordinated by A. Bellini (University of

    Florence, Italy), L. Maestripieri (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,

    Spain) and K. Parding (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden).

    The session aims at gathering theoretical and empirical papers that

    explore heterogeneity, differentiation and change within and

    between professions, among traditional and emerging professions, in

    comparative studies, either between professions within the same

    context or within the same professional group between nations. We also

    invite contributions that explore professionalism and its

    national/local/contextual peculiarities in Southern and Eastern Europe

    as well as in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

    Submit your abstract (250 words) to [log in to unmask],

    indicating Session S1, the title of your paper, name and contact

    details. Deadline for submitting your proposal: March 31st, 2019.

    Please find the Call for Paper in Attachment.

    All the best

    Andrea Bellini, Lara Maestripieri, Karolina Parding


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