

Dear all,

Best wishes in the New Year!

Prof. Nandini Gooptu and I have been organizing workshops and seminar series as part of the activities of the 'Social Life of Work' network that we lead from the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. We aim to develop and sustain a multi-disciplinary network of academics researching work in the Global South.

We are putting together a panel for the upcoming DSA Conference 2019 (to be held at Open University, 19-21 June) on the 'New Geographies and Imaginaries of Work in the Global South' (Panel Number 59; see abstract below). We invite paper submissions from you. Deadline is 16th January.

Paper abstracts can be submitted following this link:

Short Abstract:

The panel looks to analyze social and cultural life of both work and ‘non-work’ comes to be experienced in the local context of the Global South, amidst larger global shifts towards political authoritarianism, individual self-responsibilization, and socio-economic precariousness and informalization, and what implication this has for the larger landscape of political imagination, organization and action today.

Long Abstract:

Remunerative work, or its absence, is one of the pre-eminent sites where the larger logicsof ‘development’ is most intimately felt. The panel will critically map how people imagine, search, prepare for, enter, perform, refuse or drop out of work across the continents of Latin America, Africa and Asia. We invite fresh, empirically rich research that analyzes how the social and cultural life of both work and ‘non-work’ comes to be experienced in the local context of the Global South, amidst larger global shifts towards political authoritarianism, individual self-responsibilization, and socio-economic precariousness and informalization. Centrally, the panel asks: how in people’s engagement with the labor market (shaped by the current political economy structures and its underlining ideological forces), their sense of self is created in socio-cultural, moral and affective terms? Relatedly, how are people’s political subjectivities shaped through their experience with work/ ‘non-work’ and what implication this has for the larger landscape of political imagination, organization and action today? Theories of change and analytical insights, as well as empirical accounts, generated in light of experiences in the global North have limited purchase in the global South. The panel seeks to explore innovation in research questions, methodology and analytical frameworks to explain the experience of work specific to the context of the South, paying particular attention to new developments and historical legacies of work in the region, while also tracing patterns of similarity and dissimilarity with the rest of the world in the current moment of contested globalization.

We look forward to receiving paper abstracts from many of you and have you join the network.

Best wishes,


DPhil (PhD) Researcher

Oxford Department of International Development

University of Oxford

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