

*** Apologies for cross-posting ***

Dear all,

We would like to invite submissions for paper presentations at the next
Congress of the Portuguese Anthropology Association (APA), which will be
held in Lisbon, from the 4th to the 7th of June 2019.

*P066 "Envisioning precarity as a historical, material and moral condition"*

*Short abstract*
The notion of precarity has increasingly shaped debates on the neoliberal
conditions of labour (de)regulation and people'’s livelihoods. This panel
aims to contribute to overcoming a typological, ahistorical and
unidimensional notion of precarity and precarization processes by expanding
the theorization of precarity as a joint historical, material and moral

*Long abstract*
In recent decades the notion of precarity has increasingly shaped debates
on the neoliberal conditions of labour (de)regulation and people's
livelihoods, within and outside academia, and on both sides of the
Atlantic. This panel aims to bring together contributions which theorize
the condition and politics of precarity and precarization processes through
the lens of historical-bounded material and ideological constraints
determining people’'s livelihoods and struggle capabilities, and contingent
relational moral structures of meaning and action. The panel’ contributions
will examine: 1) precarization processes deployed by the state as an
integral part of national projects of accumulation and accommodation of
global capitalist imperatives, their moral and ideological frameworks of
legitimation; 2) how the condition of precarity shapes, and is shaped by,
particular labour regimes and unequal moral relational structures of
gender, kin, class or ethnicity; and, 3) how cultural registers and
institutional configurations facilitate or constrain a critical politics of
precarity, as expressed in forms of collective organisation (such as trade
unions, political parties and community-based organisations).

Please submit your proposals directly to the panel organisers by email:
[log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]> and
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***The *deadline *for submissions is the *7th of January* 2019.***

Link to panel description here:
We look forward to your submissions.

Best wishes,
Patrícia Matos & Ana Luisa Micaelo

Patrícia Alves de Matos
ERC Researcher, PhD
Grassroots economics: Meaning, project and practice in the pursuit of
livelihood [GRECO] <>
University of Barcelona
+351 91 061 5500 (PT)
+34 665 981 358 (SP)

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