


29.–30.8.2019, Helsinki, Finland

Call for panels

Anthropologists have studied time for over a century; what makes it so topical right now? Looking into the terminology we use, recent research often replaces “time” with “temporalities”. This puts an emphasis on multiple rhythms, times that are particular to a place, or alternate trajectories. Such plural experiences of the passage of time can be exemplified by instances where “here” is cast as lagging behind in contrast to “there”, of “being stuck” while others accelerate, or being subjected to the boredom of surplus time while others find time scarce. Experiences of time being out of joint are at times even described as temporal rupture experienced in the immobility of a refugee camp, or during the long waithood preceding adulthood.

Paying attention to the emplacement or displacement of time can also highlight the material aspects of temporal experience: connections, infrastructures, or complete timescapes. These incorporate physical geography, administrative orders, and the economy, each with their different temporal cycles, assumptions, perspectives and teleologies. Ultimately, anthropological ideas about time combine economy, politics, space and materiality with a wide scope of topics such as language, scale, valuation, generations, or growth. This versatility is what makes anthropology particularly well suited for grasping and narrating time. But, might anthropology as a discipline also have something to learn from the study of time?

Time may be found in speech, symbol, nature, history, genealogy, theology, work, discipline, measurement, efficiency, and so on: every research question has its temporal dimension, and every research methodology its temporal issues. The 2019 conference of the Finnish Anthropological Society, therefore, invites panels that explore time in diverse ethnographic and theoretical settings. Panels may draw upon, but are not limited to, issues such as the interplay of imaginaries and practices of time and space, the co-existence of multiple temporalities, and anthropology’s own ability to grasp and narrate time. In particular, we welcome panels that provoke theoretical questioning of the oftentimes taken-for-granted temporal frames employed in anthropological scholarship, including fieldwork. In addition, we welcome panels that use time and related phenomena as a frame of analysis for other topics.

The Conference keynote will be delivered by Ghassan Hage, the Future Generation Professor of Anthropology at the University of Melbourne. The Conference will open with the annual Westermarck Memorial Lecture delivered by Laura Bear, Professor of Anthropology at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Proposal for panels should be submitted by January 31st 2019 to: [log in to unmask]

Panel proposals should include the following information:

• name of the panel

• name(s) and contact address(es) of the panel organiser(s)

• panel abstract (max. 250 words)

Call for papers will be circulated in February 2019, when the accepted panels will be announced.

Further inquiries about the conference: [log in to unmask]


From: The Anthropology-Matters forum mailing list <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of elsa mescoli <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2019 8:54:12 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: CfP International Conference: Immigration, Cultural Participation and New Forms of Political Solidarity: Global Perspectives, University of Liège (Belgium), 25-26 September 2019

CALL FOR PAPERS International Conference: Immigration, Cultural Participation and New Forms of Political Solidarity: Global Perspectives, University of Liège (Belgium), 25-26 September 2019

The academic literature on immigrant integration has exploded in Europe and the United States since the 1980s (Martiniello and Rath, 2010, 2012 and 2014) to cover a wide range of issues related to economic, social, political incorporation and cultural of immigrants and their descendants. However, this lavish literature has largely neglected certain objects and questions, for example the relationship between the arts and the incorporation of migrants and their descendants, or the forms of political solidarity that can emerge from intercultural
artistic practice.

The main objective of this conference organized by CEDEM (University of Liège) and the IMISCOE Standing Committee POPADIVCIT is precisely to begin to focus on the cultural and artistic participation of migrants and descendants of migrants in a transatlantic perspective and also on the spaces and the moments when this participation intersects and binds to public forms of intercultural collective engagement, whether artistic, political, or both.

We are interested in both empirical and theoretical papers dealing with some of following issues, either in a comparative way or through local case-studies: what role do culture and the arts play in the lives of newcomers and descendants of migrants? What cultural and artistic
Practices and Participation Develop Newcomers and Descendants of Immigrants? How do cultural institutions take into account those publics often considered to be disengaged at the cultural and artistic level? Do these cultural practices contribute to creating bonds of solidarity between migrants and natives? And if so, what forms of political representation and collective engagement do they inspire?

The conference is not restricted to a specific artistic discipline or to specific communities. This academic conference wants to promote the dialogue among artists, civil society and policy makers.
Please send a 400 words (maximum) abstract to Marco Martiniello ([log in to unmask]) by March 15 2019. For more information about, please visit:

Elsa Mescoli
Chercheuse postdoctorale et Maître de conférencesCEDEM - Centre d’études de l’ethnicité et des migrationsLASC - Laboratoire d'anthropologie sociale et culturelle
Université de Liège, Faculté des Sciences SocialesPlace des orateurs 3 (Quartier Agora), bât. 31, #324000 Liège - BelgiqueTél. : 00 32 4 366 30 51

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