

Dear colleagues,

Happy new year 2019!

I would like to draw your attention to a panel at the next ECAS conference in
Edinburgh in 2019 on hierarchies of knowledge production in academic
collaborations between Africa and Europe. Abstracts in English or French
are welcome.

I hope this panel may be of interest to you and your networks.

Deadline for abstract submission: 21 January 2019

To submit your abstract:

*Hierarchies of knowledge production in academic collaborations between
Africa and Europe*

International mobility of researchers is a growing phenomenon in the
increasingly competitive and global academic market. Meanwhile,
collaborative projects which involve partners in the Global South are ever
more in vogue among Northern funding bodies, reflecting attempts to
generate more equitable processes of knowledge production. But what are the
implications and impacts – whether social, economic, political or
intellectual - of such activities? In this panel, we invite speakers to
share case studies of collaborations between Europe and Africa (and
potentially beyond), whether they concern research, publishing,
capacity-building, networking, public engagement, teaching or related
academic endeavours. While some information on the project rationale or
outputs would be useful to provide context, we are more interested in
critical analyses of such initiatives which speak to the conference themes
of ‘connection’ and ‘disruption’. What kinds of connections do these
activities promote? What kinds of power relations are created, reproduced
or contested? Were there instances of disruption in terms of challenges or
conflicts? Can these activities and their ensuring dynamics be considered
disruptive of broader hierarchies, potentially ‘decolonising’ academic
knowledge production, or are there limitations to this political objective?
How might such constraints be overcome? Contributions from any discipline
are welcome, but we expect a qualitative analysis of the project presented.
Abstracts can be in English or French. They should include a brief
explanation of the activity in question and the main points of the
analysis, which should ideally be supported by theoretical concepts and
speak to wider scholarly debates.

*Les hiérarchies dans la production de connaissances dans les
collaborations académiques entre l'Afrique et l'Europe*

Les projets collaboratifs qui impliquent des partenaires du Sud sont de
plus en plus en vogue parmi les bailleurs du Nord dans le cadre de
tentatives visant à générer des processus de production de connaissances
plus équitables. Mais quelles sont les implications - sociales,
économiques, politiques ou intellectuelles - de telles activités? Nous
souhaitons recueillir des communications comportant des exemples de
collaborations académiques entre l'Europe et l'Afrique (et éventuellement
au-delà). Ceux-ci peuvent concerner la recherche, la publication, le
renforcement des capacités, le networking ou l’enseignement. Certaines
informations contextuelles sur la raison d’être ou les résultats des
projets concernés seront utiles, mais nous sommes plus intéressés par
l’analyse critique des initiatives qui abordent les thèmes de la
conférence, notamment la « connexion » et la « rupture ». Quels types de
connexion ces activités favorisent-elles? Quelles relations de pouvoir sont
créées, reproduites ou contestées? Les ruptures s’interprètent-elles comme
des défis ou des conflits? Peut-on considérer que ces activités perturbent
des hiérarchies plus larges, au point de  « décoloniser » la production de
connaissances ? A défaut, comment les contraintes pourraient-elles être
surmontées? Les contributions de toutes disciplines sont appréciées, mais
nous attendons une analyse qualitative des projets présentés. Les résumés
peuvent être en anglais ou en français et doivent inclure une explication
de l'activité. Les principaux points de l'analyse seront idéalement étayés
par des concepts théoriques, ou s’inscriront dans des débats académiques
plus larges.
Dr Anneke Newman

Postdoc Researcher at Laboratoire d’Anthropologie des Mondes
Contemporains (LAMC) at l’Université Libre de Bruxelles / Postdoctoral
Associate, Department of Anthropology, University of Sussex


"Is this what has become of us? Can't we do better than that? People
talking and talking, citing and citing, publishing and publishing. We need
to be asking, 'are we answering questions?' Or, are we just peacocks
parading about in all our show?" Prof Robert Borofsky, Hawaii Pacific

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