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The impact of a collaborative sustainability learning programme amongst small and medium sized tourism enterprises: a realist evaluation approach


Primary supervisor: Prof. Xavier Font, Sustainable tourism management, University of Surrey; second supervisor: Dr Howarth, Sustainability impact and evaluation, University of Surrey

SeNSS Pathway: Business and Management

Collaborative partner: Diputació de Barcelona

Collaborative supervisors: Dr Torres-Delgado (sustainability indicators, CETT- U. Barcelona) and Dr Serrano (sustainability indicators, Diputació de Barcelona).


Research project

We are recruiting a motivated candidate into an exciting, world-class research environment to address important issues facing sustainability practices in small firms.

This PhD will study a joint programme between the Diputació de Barcelona (Spain) and Biosphere Tourism, that helps up to 500 small tourism firms make public sustainability commitments, and provides these firms with a suite of resources including training, mentoring and audits. The objectives of the PhD are:

1.       To critically understand the motivations and barriers why small enterprises engage in specific sustainability practices;

2.       To experiment with making changes in the current joint programme, in partnership with around 15 field staff;

3.       To monitor the implementation of the subsequent sustainability practices by these firms, and the impact that these practices have on both the firm and the destination;

4.       To monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the government intervention, by means of using a realist evaluation approach or a suitable alternative theoretical framework.


School of Hospitality and Tourism Management at the University of Surrey is ranked #4 in the QS World University rankings.


Applicants: essential and/or desirable attributes/skills

A good understanding of organisational learning and behaviour change management. No prior sustainable tourism knowledge is required. The researcher must speak conversational Spanish, and be prepared to learn some Catalan.

The Scholarship is open to UK nationals, and EU nationals that have lived in  the UK for the last three years.


Studentship Details:

1.       This studentship may be taken as either a 1+3 year award (a one-year MSc followed by a three-year PhD), a +3 award (a three-year PhD), or a +4 award (a four year PhD). However, the researcher will be encouraged to apply for 1+3 year PhD programme, including the MSc Social Research Methods, and then spend the full third year in Barcelona

2.       It may be taken full-time or part-time

3.       The studentship award covers your university fees, and provides you with a stipend of £14,777 per year. You will also be able to apply for small amounts of additional funding via the SeNSS Research Training Support Grant.


How to apply for this studentship

In order to be considered for this SeNSS studentship, you must first apply for a place to study at the University of Surrey, noting that you are applying for the collaborative studentship. Please go to University of Surrey: how to apply for information on how to make your application.

You will then need to make a separate application to SeNSS for this collaborative studentship. Please read the SeNSS Collaborative Studentship Application Guidance Notes before completing our online application form. The Guidance Notes are available at the bottom of the following webpage: Applying for a SeNSS collaborative studentship



The deadline applying to the University of Surrey for a place is 23:59 GMT on 20 January 2019. No extensions to this deadline will be permitted.


For further enquiries:

For enquiries related to the studentship topic, please email Prof. Xavier Font ([log in to unmask]),

For enquiries related to your eligibility for this studentship, and the application process, please email: [log in to unmask]  

For further information about SeNSS, please visit the SeNSS website




Prof. Xavier Font

Professor of Sustainability Marketing

School of Hospitality and Tourism Management

University of Surrey, UK

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