

Dear MDN community,

in case you make it back and do not fall over, you might want to consider to come to the Gordon Research Conference “Gaseous Ions: Structures, Energetics and Reactions” in Ventura, California (upper side of the world) directly thereafter, February 17. - 22. 2019. See:

Also, we did invite two speakers from Down Under…...

Hope to see you afterwards in Ventura,

Gert von Helden

On 3. Dec 2018, at 15:16, Duncan Wild <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear MDN community,

Don't believe the Flat Earthers, Australia does exist! We are not actors in some elaborate scam!

Don't take my word for it though, jump on a plane and join us next February in Perth, Western Australia at the RACI Physical Chemistry Conference (February 11-14, 2019).

Early bird Registration closes this Friday.

Hope to see you in Perth in February!

Best wishes,
Duncan Wild & Allan McKinley
Conference Chairs

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