Dear LIS-Infoliteracy


Chris Morrison and I are delighted to announce the call for contributions for next year’s Icepops conference is now open. We have further details in this blog post but we are looking for papers addressing all aspects of copyright education, how it might be embedded into digital and information literacy and its relationship with scholarly comms and openness.


The conference will be held at the University of Edinburgh on 26th June 2019 and will have a musical and playful theme to our copyright education event. Our opening keynote is a composer, musician and music publisher, Simon Anderson from the Audio Network. We also have a second keynote from Stephanie (Charlie) Farley who works in the Open Education team at the University of Edinburgh and will be running an interactive games-based learning session related to copyright.


As before there will be a world café, lightning talks and a variety of other presentation formats. We will also have an evening social and hope you might stay on for a night in Edinburgh as we hope to announce a few additional activities fairly soon. If you have any questions then do get in touch!


All the best



ILG_Signature Jane



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