Hi Matthew, 
Thanks for your email. 
Could you please give more information how to do this. 
I a new FSL user and I am mainly using the FSL interface.
Not very familiar to work from the command line.
Any further detail how to do this would be highly appreciated. 
Thanks a lot, 
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 at 4:31 PM
From: "Matthew Webster" <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [FSL] Resize specific dimensions of Nifty files
Hello Gina,
   You can use fslcreatehd to create a 3D reference of the desired dimensions and use that along with the -applyxfm -init options ( passing an identity matrix to the -init option ) to resample in a more flexible manner.
Hope this helps,
Kind Regards
Dr Matthew Webster
FMRIB Centre 
John Radcliffe Hospital
University of Oxford
On 27 Nov 2018, at 16:05, Georgina Carts <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi there,

I have 4D data with dimensions [516, 516, 75, 99]. I would like to downsample my image to [128, 128, 75, 99], i.e. downsample x- and y-dimensions only.

I tried the flirt tool using -applyisoxfm but it downsampled x, y and z directions.

Does anyone know how to downsampled only x- and y-?

Thanks a lot,


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