

On 05/12/2018 00:44, Jungwook Kim wrote:
> I am about to refine a structure containing an N-terminal pyruvoyl residue (naturally derived from serine), 
> which is commonly seen in many decarboxylases.

File -> Get Monomer -> PYR

Edit -> Merge Molecules -> [Merge the PYR molecule into your protein molecule]

Renumber the PYR residue and change the chain-id as needed

Extensions -> Modules -> CCP4 -> CCP4 -> Make a Link via Acedrg

Delete Atom: O2 -> Pick 2 Atoms -> Click on C1 of PYR and N of your N-terminal residue [*]

This will generate a dictionary that should be usable in Refmac and Coot.


[*] I am guessing that this is the link that you want to make, I didn't look it up :-)


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