

BNIM several-step interpretation avoids quick skim-interpretation as anyone can testify who has tried it. And BNIM several-sub session interviewing avoids quick single-allusion ‘skimmable speaking’ by the interviewee,  because of the (re) iterative methodology of sub session two, and the availability of sub session three.

(Seasonal) greetings to all from a tiny garden in New Orleans to wherever you are......


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From: Tom Wengraf <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tuesday, 25 December 2018
Subject: Skim reading is the new normal. The effect on society is profound | Maryanne Wolf
To: [log in to unmask]

Sent from my iPad

(Only) if interested in BNIM,the Biographical-Narrative Interpretive Method  approach to qualitative research interviewing, is the following relevant.......

JUST PUBLISHED (November 2018): 'BNIM and the unconscious in psychosocietal research', in Kalina Stamenova and R.D.Hinshelwood (eds) 'Methods of research into the unconscious: applying psychoanalytic ideas to social science' (London: Routledge). LOTS OF GOOD OTHER CHAPTERS TOO!

The next (46th) BNIM 5-day intensive course  in LONDON FEBRUARY 7th to FEBRUARY 13th. 2019 (5 days for 6 people) no longer has places available. A further run (the 47th) may be held in late 2019 (probably November) : do contact me if possibly interested.

A lot of material about BNIM is available from my page at RESEARCHGATE. 
This now includes the Quick Outline Sketch, the Short Guide, and the Detailed Manuals, and a BNIM Bibliography. 
Also several articles and papers.
Do feel free to consult and use the RESEARCHGATE facility.
Quite separately, I would be very pleased to receive and respond to  any comments or questions that you may have about those materials or  more generally about BNIM. 

This year, I simply couldn’t get one fact out of my head: according to a 2017 report from the Institute for Policy Studies, three billionaires -- Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, and Bill Gates -- have amassed as much wealth as the bottom half of American society. That’s 160 million people! (And unlike our president, I don’t use exclamation points lightly or often.) Or as Oxfam reported in January of this year, the wealth of eight men -- and yes, they were men (including the three mentioned above) -- was equal to that of half the people on this planet in 2017. Yikes! And just to give you a sense of where we’ve been heading at supersonic speed, an Oxfam report a year earlier had 62 billionaires owning half the planet’s wealth. Imagine that: 62 to eight in a single year (Naomi Prins)

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