Thank you Guillaume,

Indeed with my script, the spm_jobman were not storing the xSPM on the workspace UNTIL I added an output variable to the function:
[output_list, ~] = spm_jobman('run',matlabbatch);
The xSPMvar and also the TabDatvar are inside the "output_list" and accessible: output_list{1, 1}{5,2}(4)) as you mention.
Thank you very much!


Em seg, 19 de nov de 2018 às 09:48, Flandin, Guillaume <[log in to unmask]> escreveu:
Dear Brunno,

The FDRc can be found in{5,2}(4);d0934e06.1811

If you run the module:
 SPM > Stats > Results Report
then the variables SPM, xSPM, TabDat are directly available in the
MATLAB workspace.

Best regards,

On 14/11/2018 11:02, Brunno M. Campos wrote:
> Dear SPM Experts,
> Is there any field where I can obtain the FDRc value (that is printed on
> the results window) programmatically?
> Is there any way to create the xSPM programmatically (maybe entering
> SPM.mat and stats parameters...)?
>  Any tip?
> Thanks!
> Brunno

Guillaume Flandin, PhD
Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging
UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology
London WC1N 3BG