function res = spm_eeg_artefact_eyeblink(S) % Detects eyeblinks in SPM continuous data file % S - input structure % fields of S: % S.D - M/EEG object % S.chanind - vector of indices of channels that this plugin will look at % S.threshold - threshold parameter (in stdev) % % Additional parameters can be defined specific for each plugin. % % Output: % res - % If no input is provided the plugin returns a cfg branch for itself. % % If input is provided the plugin returns a matrix of size D.nchannels x D.ntrials % with zeros for clean channel/trials and ones for artefacts. %__________________________________________________________________________ % Copyright (C) 2008-2017 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging % Laurence Hunt % $Id: spm_eeg_artefact_eyeblink.m 7500 2018-11-28 14:42:14Z vladimir $ %-This part if for creating a config branch that plugs into spm_cfg_eeg_artefact % Any parameters can be specified and they are then passed to the plugin % when it's called. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if nargin == 0 threshold = cfg_entry; threshold.tag = 'threshold'; = 'Threshold'; threshold.strtype = 'r'; threshold.val = {4}; threshold.num = [1 1]; = {'Threshold to reject things that look like eye-blinks but probably aren''t.'}; excwin = cfg_entry; excwin.tag = 'excwin'; = 'Excision window'; excwin.strtype = 'r'; excwin.num = [1 1]; excwin.val = {0}; = {'Window (in ms) to mark as bad around each eyeblink, 0 to not mark data as bad.'}; eyeblink = cfg_branch; eyeblink.tag = 'eyeblink'; = 'Eyeblinks'; eyeblink.val = {threshold, excwin}; = {''}; res = eyeblink; return end SVNrev = '$Rev: 7500 $'; %-Startup %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- spm('sFnBanner', mfilename, SVNrev); spm('FigName','M/EEG eyeblink detection'); if isequal(S.mode, 'reject') error('Only mark mode is supported by this plug-in, use event-based rejection to reject.'); end D = spm_eeg_load(S.D); chanind = S.chanind; if length(chanind)~=1 error('More than one channel - not currently supported.') end eog_data = reshape(squeeze(D(chanind,:,:)), 1, []); %-Filter data at 1-15Hz (eyeblink duration typically 100-300ms) and demean %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- eog_filt = detrend(abs(hilbert(ft_preproc_bandpassfilter(eog_data, D.fsample, [1 15], 4, 'but',[], 'split'))), 'constant'); %-Find eye-movements %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % robust estimate of standard deviation, suggested by Mark Woolrich sd_eeg = (spm_percentile(eog_filt,85) - spm_percentile(eog_filt,15))/2; em_thresh = S.threshold*sd_eeg; %-Find 'spikes' (putative eyeblinks) %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- eblength = round(D.fsample/5); %length of eyeblink(200 ms) in samples spikes = []; for i = eblength:length(eog_filt)-eblength; if abs(eog_filt(i))>em_thresh && ... %bigger than threshold all(abs(eog_filt(i))>=abs(eog_filt(i-eblength+1:i+eblength))); %biggest in surrounding 400ms spikes = [spikes i]; end end if isempty(spikes) error('No eye-blinks detected by algorithm. Try a lower threshold.') end spikemat = zeros(eblength*2,length(spikes)); for i = 1:length(spikes) spikemat(:,i) = eog_filt(spikes(i)-eblength+1:spikes(i)+eblength); end % reject spikes whose peak is not within 1 s.d. of the mean % (gets rid of most artefact, etc, not removed by filtering) mn_spike = mean(spikemat(eblength,:)); sd_spike = std(spikemat(eblength,:)); spikes(spikemat(eblength,:)>mn_spike+sd_spike | ... spikemat(eblength,:)mn_spike+sd_spike | ... spikemat(eblength,:)60) error(['As many as ' num2str(num_eb_per_min) ' eye-blinks per minute detected by algorithm. Try a higher threshold.']) end %-Plot %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ~spm('CmdLine') Fgraph = spm_figure('GetWin','Graphics'); colormap(gray) figure(Fgraph) clf subplot(2, 1 , 1) plot(spikes,ones(length(spikes),1)*5*sd_eeg,'r.'); hold on; plot(eog_filt); subplot(2, 1 , 2) hold on; plot(spikemat);plot(mean(spikemat,2),'Color','k','LineWidth',4); end %-Update the event structure %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ~isempty(spikes) for n = 1:D.ntrials cspikes = spikes(spikes>(D.nsamples*(n-1)) & spikes<(D.nsamples*n)); ctime = D.trialonset(n)+(cspikes - D.nsamples*(n-1)-1)/D.fsample; ctime = num2cell(ctime); ev = events(D, n); if iscell(ev) ev = ev{1}; end if ~isempty(ev) && ~S.append ind1 = strmatch('artefact_eyeblink', {ev.type}, 'exact'); if ~isempty(ind1) ind2 = strmatch(D.chanlabels(chanind), {ev(ind1).value}, 'exact'); if ~isempty(ind2) ev(ind1(ind2)) = []; end end end Nevents = numel(ev); for i=1:numel(ctime) if ctime{i} == 0 continue; %likely to be trial border falsely detected as eyeblink end ev(Nevents+i).type = 'artefact_eyeblink'; ev(Nevents+i).value = char(D.chanlabels(chanind)); if S.excwin == 0 ev(Nevents+i).duration = 0; ev(Nevents+i).time = ctime{i}; else ev(Nevents+i).time = max(D.trialonset(n), ctime{i} - 5e-4*S.excwin); ev(Nevents+i).duration = min(1e-3*S.excwin, (D.time(end)-D.time(1))-(ev(Nevents+i).time-D.trialonset(n)))+... min(ctime{i} - 5e-4*S.excwin, 0); end end if ~isempty(ev) [dum, I] = sort([ev.time]); ev = ev(I); D = events(D, n, ev); end end else warning('No eye blinks events detected in the selected channel.'); end res = D; spm('FigName','M/EEG eyeblink detection: done');