Dear Linda 

There are two things I could think of,  one horsefly or bed bugs with local reaction. 
I hope it helps 

Kind regards 

Essie Sibanda 

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On Wed, 7 Nov 2018 at 20:11, Lynda Bruce
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear Colleagues

Please see attached pictures a colleague took of her injury after a break in Malta. A retired colleague who is an Infectious diseases Consultant has suggested poisonous spider bites. It reminded me of the blister bug which bit me several times in The British Virgin islands . Curious to know if anyone has any other suggestions?

The bitten lady says First photo left hand on 13/10 at 21.16 the red ring developed 11 days after had been bitten.

Kind regards,

Lynda Bruce
Alpha Health Services Limited

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