Hi Chen,
Probably one or both files:

contain Not a Number values. 
If you open the files and you see these values out of the brain, you can try to use a tighter mask, and avoid these voxels.


On Fri, 9 Nov 2018 at 09:51, Chen-Chia Lan <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

I encountered similar errors when using gpu to run bedpostX.
The following is the error log:

"terminate called after throwing an instance of 'NEWMAT::ConvergenceException'
/apps/fsl/5.0.10/fsl/bin/bedpostx_postproc_gpu.sh: line 100: 14552 Aborted                 ${FSLDIR}/bin/make_dyadic_vectors ${subjdir}.bedpostX/merged_th${fib}samples ${subjdir}.bedpostX/merged_ph${fib}samples ${subjdir}/nodif_brain_mask ${subjdir}.bedpostX/dyads${fib}
Image Exception : #22 :: ERROR: Could not open image /rds/general/user/cl6516/ephemeral/Gambler_bedpostX_GPU/sub-122.bedpostX/dyads3
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'RBD_COMMON::BaseException'
/apps/fsl/5.0.10/fsl/bin/maskdyads: line 85: 14577 Aborted                 ${FSLDIR}/bin/fslmaths $f -thr $t -bin -mul $d ${d}_thr$t
Cannot open volume /rds/general/user/cl6516/ephemeral/Gambler_bedpostX_GPU/sub-122.bedpostX/dyads3_thr0.05 for reading!

Some of the subjects has this error, some was processed without any problem. But I can't figure out how to solve the problem.
Any suggestions?

Thank you very much!

Best regards,


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