

Dear FSL experts,

So sorry to bother you; I am resending this email in case it wasn't received.

I'm having some trouble running eddy_cuda (as part of the HCP dMRI pipeline, using the HCP 3.4.0 release, FSL 5.0.10, NVIDIA card). The error I'm getting when using installed cuda 7.5 libraries is:

Entering EddyGpuUtils::LoadPredictionMaker

...................Allocated GPU # 0...................
thrust::system_error thrown in CudaVolume::common_assignment_from_newimage_vol after resize() with message: function_attributes(): after cudaFuncGetAttributes: invalid device function
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'thrust::system::system_error'
what(): function_attributes(): after cudaFuncGetAttributes: invalid device function
/data/EDresearch/Temperament_fMRI/derivatives/proc-HCP/scripts-HCP/Pipelines-3.4.0/DiffusionPreprocessing/scripts/ line 381: 82851 Aborted ${eddy_command}
Wed Aug 29 16:32:20 PDT 2018 - - Completed with return value: 134

However, we also have cuda 8.0 libraries installed, and that attempt resulted in this error:

/usr/local/fsl/bin/eddy_cuda: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Thu Aug 30 14:43:13 PDT 2018 - - Completed with return value: 127

I noticed patches are available for FSL 5.0.11 ( -- by any chance are there any for FSL 5.0.10 and CentOS 7? 

Thank you,

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