


I'm testing out the new s2v option in FSL 5.0.11's eddy_cuda as part of a pipeline with AutoPtx designed to extract tract size and average FA, L1, L2, L3, and MD.  Adding " --mpoder=6 --slspec=slspec.txt --s2v_niter=5 --s2v_lambda=1 --s2v_interp=trilinear" drops my average FA to 58% of my initial analysis, with my average L1 increasing 48%, L2 increasing 94%, L3 increasing 135%, and MD increasing 78%.  The tracts created by AutoPtx are essentially identical so it's not an issue of different regions being identified.  Changing s2v_niter to 5 and s2v_lambda to 10 gave similar results.  The diffusion data is 102 directions, 81 slices with a multiband factor of 3.  Running dtifit shows this to be an issue for the whole brain in the attached images (range 0 to 1 for both).  I was expecting my FA to increase, if anything.  Any idea what's happening here?

Thank you,
James Kennedy
Washington University 


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