

Dear Ye,

Thanks for your reply. We have done the unwrapping of the phase image before scaling. Please see attached figure. The images look fine. Still not sure what cause the over-correction of the FUGUE.

I am afraid I don’t think those images look fine. I don’t know what is going on, but the large off-resonance field towards the back of the brain does not look right. Also, it clearly looks like there is a wrap remaining, though it also looks like you can actually make a path from one side of the wrap to the other without passing another wrap. I have never seen anything like it, so cannot really say how this might have happened.


Any thoughts?

Thank you, 


On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 1:58 AM Pablo Velasco <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi Ye,

Have you tried unwrapping the phase difference image (before scaling it by the echo time difference)?

If that doesn't work, take a look at the unwrapping of the phase images, before taking the difference, and see if there are any phase wraps left uncorrected.




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Ye Tian, MD
PhD candidate
Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre
University of Melbourne, Australia

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