

Rethinking the 'Regional' in Refugee Law and Policy
Fourth Annual Conference, Refugee Law Initiative, Senate House, London
3-5 June 2019

The 4th Annual Conference of the Refugee Law Initiative (RLI) will be held on Monday 3 June to Wednesday 5 June 2019 at the Senate House of the University of London.

The RLI Annual Conference offers a dedicated annual forum internationally to share and debate the latest research and cutting-edge developments in refugee protection. This conference builds on the success of the previous annual conferences that united academics, practitioners, policy-makers and students in considering pressing challenges to refugee law.

This year's special theme - 'Rethinking the "Regional" in Refugee Law and Policy' - reflects on how a host of 'regional' questions loom large for refugee protection in 2019.


Early-bird registration for the conference is now available through this link: . Please note that early-bird tickets are non-refundable. 


In Africa, the 50th anniversary of the 1969 African refugee convention raises real questions about its continuing role as the preeminent regional refugee treaty, even as the African Union declares 2019 the Year of Refugees in that region. In Europe, the future of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) is furiously debated as fracture lines grow between European Union (EU) member States and in anticipation of Brexit. Meanwhile, large-scale refugee movement from Syria, Venezuela and Myanmar strain regional responses in the Middle East, Americas and Asia.

Against this backdrop, this year's special conference theme interrogates the role of regional refugee law and policy in light of refugee movements and shifting politics of today's world. It asks participants to reflect on the construction of both 'regions' and 'regional responses' to local and global refugee challenges and to rethink the changing role of both law and policy in these processes. To what extent can a 'regional' approach continue to be taken for granted in certain parts of the world and what potential exists for the emergence of new forms of non-global (State) cooperation based on other forms of identity in the response to refugees?


The remainder of panel slots will be open to ANY topic on law, policy and practice relating to refugees, IDPs, stateless persons and forced migrants. They offer a platform for a broader range of high-quality research in this field. Proposals to these panels can be for law, policy or practice at the international level, in the UK and Europe, or in any other country or region.

We are now inviting paper and panel proposals (of 3-4 papers) for the conference. Please view the full Call for Papers on our website: . The deadline for submission is Monday 28 January 2019.

Best wishes,

Susan Reardon-Smith
Academic Support Officer
Refugee Law Initiative
School of Advanced Study | University of London | Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU, UK
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