This has been resolved in the latest commit 94f4ea3. Update your RELION installation and this error will magically go away.

On Nov 10, 2018, at 1:14 PM, Chancievan Thangaratnarajah <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Hey all,

I am facing a problem with starting my 2D classification job, which stops with an error during the initial noise spectra estimation step (see below in red). 

gpu-ids not specified, threads will automatically be mapped to devices (incrementally).
 Thread 0 mapped to device 0
 Thread 1 mapped to device 1
 Thread 2 mapped to device 2
 Thread 3 mapped to device 3
 Running CPU instructions in double precision. 
 + WARNING: Changing psi sampling rate (before oversampling) to 5.625 degrees, for more efficient GPU calculations
 Estimating initial noise spectra 
  15/  21 sec .........................................~~(,_,">

in: /usr/packages/relion/relion-3.0-beta2-gpu/src/backprojector.h, line 211
=== Backtrace  ===
/usr/mbu/software/relion/relion-3.0-beta2-gpu/bin/relion_refine(_ZN11RelionErrorC2ERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEES7_l+0x5d) [0x4582fd]
/usr/mbu/software/relion/relion-3.0-beta2-gpu/bin/relion_refine(_ZN13BackProjector21set2DFourierTransformERK13MultidimArrayI8tComplexIdEERK8Matrix2DIdEbPKS0_IdEdb+0xd2) [0x4abb32]
/usr/mbu/software/relion/relion-3.0-beta2-gpu/bin/relion_refine(_ZN11MlOptimiser41calculateSumOfPowerSpectraAndAverageImageER13MultidimArrayIdEb+0x1108) [0x485588]
/usr/mbu/software/relion/relion-3.0-beta2-gpu/bin/relion_refine(_ZN11MlOptimiser10initialiseEv+0x585) [0x486775]
/usr/mbu/software/relion/relion-3.0-beta2-gpu/bin/relion_refine(main+0x2011) [0x434ed1]
/usr/lib64/ [0x2b3b59212c05]
/usr/mbu/software/relion/relion-3.0-beta2-gpu/bin/relion_refine() [0x43736f]
Backprojector::set2DSlice%%ERROR: Dimension of the data array should be 2 or 3

Any help in solving this issue would be appreciated. 



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