

Some short fieldnotes fairly close to the experience.  Might be useful.(a)
re the panel experience, (b) what can fieldnotes look like (they vary
For a more theoretical statement and detailed/systematic exploration of a
BNIM panel, find Froggett and Wengraf (2004) on my page on ResearchGate.
Best wishes

If interested in BNIM,the Biographical-Narrative Interpretive Method (BNIM)
approach to qualitative research interviewing, the following is

The next (46th) BNIM 5-day intensive course will  run  London 7th-13th/
2019. Please let me know if you might be interested.

A lot of material about BNIM is available from my page at RESEARCHGATE.
This now includes the *Quick Outline Sketch, *the *Short Guide, *and
the *Detailed
Manuals, and the BNIM Bibliography. *
Also several articles and papers.
Do feel free to consult and use the RESEARCHGATE facility.

Quite separately, I would be very pleased to receive and respond to  any
comments or questions that you may have about those materials or  more
generally about BNIM.


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