

Dear all,

We welcome submissions for paper presentations at the 7th APA
Congress, Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Antropologia, Lisbon,
4-7 june 2019:

P038 - Temporalities and spaces of the extended home: domestic economy
in plural migratory circuits

Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia (CRIA) / Faculdade de
Ciências Sociais e Humanas (NOVA FCSH)
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Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa (ICS-Ulisboa)
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Short abstract

This panel intends to discuss the nexus between kinship and
neighbourhood, political economy and domestic economy , in the context
of multiple migrant circulations between Portugal and other world
destinations. We propose to explore ethnographically how the relation
between migratory strategies, global labour market and domestic
economies marks the experience of transnational families.

Long abstract

For many migrants Portugal is at the same time a place of transit to
other countries and a central reference for transnational family
networks. This panel intends to discuss the nexus between kinship and
neighborhood, political economy and domestic economy, in the context
of multiple migrant circulations between Portugal and other
destinations in Europe or beyond it. Understanding domestic economy in
the aristotelic meaning of “government of home” – which includes the
provision and management of money, the circulation of objects and
food, the reproduction labour, the care of the house and children and
the planning of the future, we invite the authors to explore
ethnographically: how the relation between migratory strategies,
global labour market and domestic economies marks the experience of
transnational families? Does the constant mobility of migratory groups
around European and other cities and the temporalities that mould them
constitute an enlarged net reproducing ways of life, or alter family
and gender patterns, as well as the urban spaces in which they are
located? How do people answer to the impact of macro-structural
changes to manage their domestic life? Which kind of resources
families mobilise to deal with structural uncertainty and live a “good

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