Dear Guoshi, 

Thanks for your email. The data file should be at the following locations :  \spm12\tests\data\fMRI,  \spm12\tests\data\test_spm_dcm_peb_to_gcm. You can also run the first few lines of SPM demo in the following links that download the data set for you

About your second question, theoretically yes you can modified the demo to perform DCM for resting states fMIR. Cenrtianly you need proper data sets and you need to select a proper approach to do so (e.g., CSD or stochastic DCM). Despite at the moment we did not include any demo for resting states fMIR with NMM, you may look into DEM_demo_large_fMRI that gives you some insights into fMIR with CSD approach. 

I hope this would help. 

Best regards, 


On Sunday, 7 October 2018, 23:29, Guoshi Li <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear all:
I am pretty new to DCM and fMRI and I am interested in applying DCM with neural mass models to analyze fMRI data. Right now I am reading the Friston et al. (2017) paper (Dynamic causal modelling revisted, NeuroImage) and want to replicate the results of the example given in the paper. In the paper, it is mentioned that a demo routine (DEMO_dcm_fmri_nnm.m) is provided in the SPM software to reproduce the graphics of the paper. I was able to locate the m-file in SPM12, but could not run it. This is because the routine needs to load a MATLAB data file "DCM_attention.mat". Where can I find this data file? It is not in any directory under SPM12.
My second question is whether DCM with neural mass models can be applied to resting-state fMRI data. In the example given in the Friston et al. (2017) paper, it is a task-based fMRI experiment. If yes, can I use the same routine (spm_dcm_fmri_nmm.m) for resting-state fMRI data?
Thank you very much in advance!
Best regards,
Guoshi Li