

Dear FSL experts

I would like to use PALM on some cortical thickness measures from freesurfer and was hoping that someone could look over my design matrix/command and let me know if it is appropriate?

I have two groups of participants (EV1, EV2) who have been scanned at 2 time-points (T1, T2). I am looking to use PALM to compute the main effect of change in IQ (EVs 7+8 below) on cortical thickness (.mgh) while controlling for age (EVs 3+4), and total cortical volume (EVs 5+6). I would also like to determine whether this relationship differs between the two groups as well as determining if thickness differs while controlling for everything else. I followed the basic outline of the two Groups with continuous covariate interaction in the GLM wiki and just wanted to make sure I have set up the following correctly:

Design Matrix:
EV1	EV2	EV3	EV4	   EV5	      EV6	       EV7	        EV8
1	0	28.2	0	   981438.3	0	       39	        0
1	0	38.5	0	   1001527	0	       40.05556	0
1	0	35.6	0	   1015722	0	       48.80645	0
1	0	41.7	0	   1112665	0	       33.625	0
1	0	39.8	0	   1087298	0	       20.51351	0
1	0	44	0	   1148600	0	       16.625	0
0	1	0	34.7	   0	                1073384	0	        33.42424
0	1	0	44	   0	                1163399	0	        39.20513
0	1	0	31.18   0	                1019120	0	        48.34615
0	1	0	29.54   0	                956024	0	        35.57692
0	1	0	28.19   0	                1049779	0	        73.89655
0	1	0	30.49   0	                941737.5	0	        36

grp1>grp2	                1     -1	0	0	0	0	0	0
grp2>grp1	               -1	1	0	0	0	0	0	0
Pos. slope grp1	        0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0
Neg. slope grp2	        0	0	0	0	0	0     -1	0
Pos. slope grp1	        0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1
Neg. slope grp2	        0	0	0	0	0	0	0     -1
grp1>grp2 slope	0	0	0	0	0	0	1     -1
grp2>grp1 slope	0	0	0	0	0	0     -1	1

Call to PALM:
palm –i  lh.thickness.fsaverage.mgh  -d matrix.csv  -t contrasts.csv  -o LH_thickness  -fdr –n 10000 -corrcon -nouncorrected

Is this correct? Being that there are two groups should I also use the –vg option to define two variance groups, and does this also require a –eb input?

I would also like to run the analysis with lh and rh combined. I see that the command palm_hemimerge can be used for this, is it compatible with .mgh files?

Any help would be appreciated thanks!


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