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Presentation Event & Session on Social Security Devolution in Scotland
A Money, Security and Social Policy (MSSP) event
University of Edinburgh, 23rd November 2018

Are you a postgraduate, PhD or early-career researcher with a focus on the themes of money, social security and social policy? Would you like to discuss your work, ideas and methods with peers and gain valuable feedback?

Registration is now open for this free event which offers postgraduate and early career researchers the chance to present their work on any topic related to the themes of social security and social policy. Held at the University of Edinburgh, those attending will also benefit from an expert-led seminar on recent social security devolution in Scotland, and the implications of this for wider UK policy governance and academic research.

The event is organised by Money, Security and Social Policy (MSSP), a UK-wide network of postgraduate and early career researchers supported by the UK Social Policy Association (SPA).

Morning Session: This will involve talks and discussion on social security devolution in Scotland with three expert speakers across academia, the Scottish Government and the third sector. Speakers are:

·         Prof. Adrian Sinfield (Emeritus Professor of Social Policy, University of Edinburgh);

·         Ann McVie (Deputy Director of the Social Security Directorate, Scottish Government); and

·         Rob Gowans (Policy Officer, Citizens Advice Scotland).

Afternoon Session: This will provide an opportunity for attendees to present any aspect of their work and receive feedback from their peers in an informal and supportive environment. Current MSSP members have found these opportunities extremely worthwhile and we would encourage anybody interested to participate.

The format for presentations is open; attendees can get peer feedback on an oral presentation or can submit writing in advance (written work might include e.g. a draft sub-section of your PhD, a draft journal article or blogpost). Feedback will be provided in small groups according to the format involved. In a final session to end the event, a discussion will be held with all attendees on the future development of the MSSP network, such as possible outputs and collaborations.

Although we would encourage you to share your work in this supportive peer environment, it is not compulsory to do so. We would welcome your active involvement in feedback and discussion in both sessions, as well as your input in shaping the future direction of the network more broadly.

Full details and registration:

Please note: spaces are limited, and so you are encouraged to register early to avoid disappointment. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. A small travel bursary may be available for attendees who require it, with the amount subject to overall numbers needing support.

Any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch at [log in to unmask]

Best wishes,
The Money, Security and Social Policy Network

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