Dear Colleagues,
Sara Maria Acevedo and I have extended the submission deadline for our co-edited Cafe Dissensus issue "A World of Difference: Disability, Culture, and the (P)art of Those Who Have No (P)art." We ask that you send us your complete essay drafts by November 15, 2018, with the issue appearing in January, 2019.
Here, for your reference, is the concept note:
Concept Note: Disability activists and scholars mark a division between disability arts and culture, on one side, and mainstream arts and culture in which disabled people participate. The division is based on the premise that disability arts and culture express a politics of self-representation often unavailable or severely limited within mainstream artistic, cultural, and performance traditions. This proposed issue of Café Dissensus explores how this division works in theory and practice, drawing on disability arts and culture practices from around the world. The issue’s title plays on Jacques Rancière’s (2010) understanding of “the political subject” as “the part of those who have no part” (p. 70). Contributors will have the opportunity to converse with this understanding in both articles, as well as multi-media formats, and to frame their contributions in response to two main questions:
1) How do disabled artists, musicians, and writers locate their creative work?
2) How do both disability arts and culture, and mainstream culture locate certain disabled bodies as the (p)art of those who have no (p)art?
Submissions should be of roughly 2000-2500 words. Some longer pieces would be considered, if they deserve more space. We ask that you send us your complete essay drafts by November 15, 2018,

Please email your submissions to both guest editors : [log in to unmask] and [log in to unmask]

We look forward to receiving your essays!
With best wishes,
Sara Maria Acevedo, PhD and Stefan Sunandan Honisch, PhD

Stefan Sunandan Honisch, PhD
Associate Fellow, Centre for Studies in Religion and Society
University of Victoria
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