Dear EM community,

We are pleased to announce another release of Scipion, v1.2.1 is now available!

We added several new features, made improvements and fixed bugs, specially for on-the-fly data processing. Find below the more important ones:

New for Streaming
  • Allow protocols to run in multiple GPUs (e.g Gctf and Gautomatch)
  • Protocols can now wait for other protocols to finish before starting (internal scheduling)
  • Allow some protocols to "wait" and work in "batch" mode to reduce the IO operations in fast protocols (while checking for updates in the stream).
  • Schedule batch of 2D classification jobs one after each other (protocol '2d streamer')
New protocols
  • Local sharpening protocol in Xmipp :
  • Added cryomethods package added from McGill developers: New volume selector protocol: produces and selects the best initial map automatically.
  • Relion protocol to center averages (center of mass in relion_image_handler)
  • Protocol to export particles in Relion format (both .star file and stacks)

For a more detailed list of changes, visit:

If you want to give a try to the new version, you can download from

You can find installation instructions and don’t hesitate to contact us if need help or want to provide feedback.

We are also very happy to see the Scipion development becoming more distributed. The main developers team is in Madrid, but now core developers are also in Stockholm, Montreal and Cambridge. We will be really happy to have more people on-board, come and join us!

For the next release, we are going for a more strong “pluginization”, to make the whole platform more easy to maintain and the development more agile. Stay tuned and keep an eye!


Scipion Team:

I2PC, National Center of Biotechnology, Madrid

SciLifeLab, Stockholm University

McGill University, Montreal

LMB, Cambridge

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