Dear Colleagues, 


I am currently undertaking some research for Lancaster University's Environment Centre on decolonising the department and ways that they can improve their teaching, research, etc to be more inclusive and less colonial/Eurocentric. 


As part of this work, I am currently working on a display that showcases the work of BME environmentalists, geographers, human geographers etc and would love some help in compiling a list of notable people in this field.


If you yourself are an environmentalist, this could be a great opportunity to showcase yourself in another institution! Additionally, if you are aware of anyone that you think should be included that would be incredibly helpful please. 


Lastly, i'd love to hear from you about your experiences working in this field, which is often a heavily white dominated space and any steps that you may have taken to decolonise the subject. 


Thank you in advance for your help! 




Sofia Akel

Educational Research

Lancaster University Environment Centre 

Library Avenue, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YQ


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