When creating the skull-stripped version of the structural image, do I used ms* as the structural images rather than s*.

I'd suggest using 'ms', which is the bias corrected version of the image.  This should be more effective when aligning images via mutual information.

Do I use coregister (estimate) or coregister (estimate & reslice)?

This is up to you.  Do you want to have resliced images?  I generally don't use reslice, as fMRI resliced to match an anatomical scan will use up loads of disk space and waste processing power - without bringing any real benefit.  Alternatively, reslicing an anatomical scan to match the fMRI will give something very low resolution and defeat the whole point of having a high-res anatomical scan.

How would I handle the coregistration when using 2 separate sessions? Do add all the functional images from both sessions to "other" in the coregistration step.

You'd align all the fMRI together first and then you could add all the functional images from both sessions to "other".

Best regards,

On Tue, 11 Sep 2018 at 11:59, Keri Woods <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

I have a problem that for a lot of my subjects the automatic coregistration does not work well. I've found that when using a skull-stripped structural image the coregistration works much better. Searching the archives, I've come across this possible pipeline:

> - Reorient data series (functional + structural) based on structural volume
> - If necessary (e.g. subject was repositioned): Additionally reorient the functional series to correct for displacement relative to structure
> (- Slice timing)
> - Realignment
> - Segmentation of the structure (SPM12 Segment or SPM8 New segment to make use of the 6 TPMs)
> - Create a skull-stripped version with Imcalc, e.g. structure * (c1+c2+c3)>.75 seems to make quite a good job on my data
> - Coregistration: reference image = skull-stripped structure, source image = mean, other = the functional series
> - Normalisation: Write: apply the normalisation parameters from segmentation step onto the functional series
> - Smooth

I'm wanting to follow something like this, but I have a couple of questions.
When creating the skull-stripped version of the structural image, do I used ms* as the structural images rather than s*.

Do I use coregister (estimate) or coregister (estimate & reslice)?

How would I handle the coregistration when using 2 separate sessions? Do add all the functional images from both sessions to "other" in the coregistration step.


Prof John Ashburner
Professor of Imaging Science
UCL Institute of Neurology
Queen Square
Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
University College London
12 Queen Square, London, WC1N 3BG
E: [log in to unmask]  T: +44 (0)20 3448 4365