

i am also fro 2, 3
Many thanks to Alison for leading on this

On 11 Sep 2018, at 12:22, John Bibby <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:

I'm happy with (2) and (3) - although this assumes some consensus about what is "an offending message". (So of course does (1).)

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On Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 10:47 AM, Macfarlane, Alison <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:
Thank you to everyone who replied. If you haven’t yet replied, but want to, can you please reply today?

Thanks, Alison

From: Macfarlane, Alison
Sent: 03 September 2018 11:21
To: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Subject: FW: Complaint about racist epithets on radstats list (Ref:IN:00344039)

Dear all,

I did not forward this to the list straight away as I wanted to discuss the suggested actions with the troika. As you see, jiscmail, which provides these email lists has had a complaint about racist epithets being used on the radstats list. It has looked at the messages on the list and concluded that ‘the position that the language used is not appropriate for any list on the service’. This is a major disgrace that this is the jiscmail list for radstats, a group whose aims include supporting positive social change. Jiscmail wanted to put a stop to this conversation, but I had already declared it closed, despite which someone has recently sent another message. As far as jiscmail’s suggestions  go:

1.      We could move to a moderated list. This would involve someone in a lot of work and potential accusations of censorship. Does anyone think we should do this?

2.      Delete the offending messages. This would not be a major task. What do members think?

3.      Send individual warnings to the offending subscribers. I hope they know who they are without a warning and are thoroughly ashamed of themselves.

Best wishes, Alison

From: Jisc Service Desk [mailto:[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>]
Sent: 29 August 2018 11:38
To: Macfarlane, Alison
Subject: Complaint about racist epithets on radstats list (Ref:IN:00344039)

Hi Alison,

JiscMail has received a complaint about recent posts and language used on your mailing list - RADSTATS.

I'm aware that you know of this and have read your post to the list reminding subscribers about JiscMail service policy. We're here to help and assist in any way that we can. With any complaint we need to fully investigate and come to a satisfactory outcome.

JiscMail service policy states: List owners are specifically responsible for:

  *   Setting the topic for the list and monitoring messages to ensure that they are appropriate and taking action if necessary.
Understandably some of the offending posts occurred over the bank holiday period and there was a delay in viewing and taking action to combat this. JiscMail takes the position that the language used is not appropriate for any list on the service, and we'd like to put a full stop to the conversation on the RADSTATS list.

Possible future actions:

Remove the offending messages: You may choose to remove messages by logging in and accessing your list. Selecting the monthly archive of August, then on the right side of every message is a recycle bin button, clicking this will delete a message from the online archive.

Enable moderation on the mailing list: Moderating posts would mean you can choose whether or not to publish emails to the list. We can help if you wish to enable this.

Send the offending subscribers a written warning: You may choose, if you deem necessary, to send a warning to those who posted the messages.

I'll be monitoring the list for the foreseeable future for the content of messages, and should there be any occurrences of similar language, we'll step in again. I've let the subscriber who contacted us know we'll be discussing the matter with the owner of the list (you). Let me know your thoughts on the matter and above options?

Dan Etherington

JiscMail Helpline

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Professor Diana Kornbrot
+44 (0) 7403 18 16 12
University of Hertfordshire
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