BCS IRSG AGM collocated with a meeting on Ethics, Privacy, Transparency and Bias in Information Retrieval, Sheffield

Location: University of Sheffield
Date: Wednesday 5 September 2018 Staring at 12:30

This year the AGM will be held on Wednesday 5 September 2018, collocated with the BCS IRSG sponsored Meeting on Ethics, Privacy, Transparency and Bias in Information Retrieval. The AGM will be on Level 2 of 211 Portobello Street (the Regent Court of the University of Sheffield), Sheffield S1 4DP from 12:30 until 13:30. A lunch will be provided for consumption during the AGM.

The AGM is free, and we hope many IRSG members will attend the meeting. It will be an ideal opportunity to socialise with other IRSG members and meet up with colleagues. We look forward to seeing you in Sheffield and hope you can attend both the Ethics event and the AGM.

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