


School of Advanced Study • University of London


Friday 23 & Saturday 24 November 2018, 10:00 – 16:30


The Cultural Language(s) of Pain: European Literary Perspectives

Bedford Room, G37, Ground Floor, Senate House, London, WC1E 7HU



Conference Schedule

Friday 23 November


10:00     Registration


10:30     Welcome


10:45     Panel 1: Wounded Body Narratives - Chair: Steven Wilson

Ariela Freedman (Concordia University, Montreal), David B., L’Ascension du Haut-Mal, and the Monstrous Body in Pain

Rebecca Rosenberg (King’s College London), Chloé Delaume’s Representations of Psychological Pain and Mental Illnesses

Giuseppe Capalbo (University of Calabria), Psychic Wounds, Pain, and Bodily Issues between Italy and the USA: the Case of Louise DeSalvo


12:15     Lunch


13:15     Panel 2: Spectacles of Pain - Chair: TBC

Emilia Wilton-Godberfforde (The Open University), Suicide and the Representation of Psychic and Physical Pain in Seventeenth-Century French Tragedy

Jade Boyd (University of Bristol), Blood and Guts: Bodily Colour as the Expression of Pain in Lorca’s Bodas de sangre

Nadia Albaladejo García (University College Cork), Buildings in Pain: the Body in Remedios Varo’s Commercial Paintings for Bayer


14:45     Tea/coffee


15:00     Panel 3: Poetry and Pain - Chair: Ariela Freedman

Adele Bardazzi (University of Oxford), A New Language of Pain: the Poetry of Eugenio Montale

Byron Taylor (University of Cambridge/University College London), Reading for saudade in Paul Celan’s Poetry

Caitríona Ní Chléirchín (Dublin City University), Pain, Trauma and the Voice of the Body in Contemporary Irish Language Women’s Poetry


16:45     Keynote 1: Dr Maria Vaccarella (University of Bristol) - Chair: Steven Wilson

Reflecting on Pain with Umberto Eco


18:00     Reception (sponsored by the Modern Languages Core Disciplinary Research Group at Queen’s University Belfast)


19:00     Conference Dinner  - TAS, 22 Bloomsbury Street (optional)



Saturday 24 November


9:30       Panel 4: Material Inscriptions of Pain - Chair: Byron Taylor

Cristina Robu (Indiana University), The Body/Text Articulation in Sébastien David’s Les Morb(y)des

Anat Danziger (Tel Aviv University), The Painful Quiver of Writing: Kafka’s Self at the Intersection of Writing and Pain

Katerina Pavlidi (University of Cambridge), Fleshing out Cruelty on Page: Literary Bodies in the Works of Vladimir Sorokin


11:00     Tea/Coffee


11:15     Panel 5: The Pain of Language - Chair: TBC

Dominik Zechner (New York University), Language Pains, Sprachschmerzen

Autumn Vowles (Johns Hopkins University), Inexpressible, Undeniable and Extraordinary: The Suffering of the Female Subject in the Marquis de Sade’s Justine and Madame Guyon’s La Vie par elle-même

Samuel O’Donoghue (Spanish National Research Council), Representations of Pain in Concentration Camp History


12:45     Lunch


13:30     Keynote 2: Dr Anna Elsner (University of Zurich) - Chair: Steven Wilson

‘Je souffre donc je suis’: Dolorisme, Morphine and the Medico-Literary Resistance to Palliative Care in France


14:30     Tea/Coffee


14:45     Panel 6: Finding Meaning in Pain - Chair: Nadia Albaladejo García

Maria Di Maro (University of Bari “Aldo Moro”), «Se la mutazione fosse senza doglia, non ci sarebbe senso di piacere»: Pain and Spiritual Strength in Tommaso Campanella’s Poems

Véronique Lane (Lancaster University), Antonin Artaud’s Therapeutic Experiences of Translation

Emilie Garrigou-Kempton (Scripps College, California), Pain as an Inconvenience: Language as Potent Medicine in Philippe Lançon’s Autopathography Le Lambeau (2018)


Closing remarks (finish by 4.30pm)



Generously sponsored by the AHRC and co-sponsored by the Modern Languages Research Group at Queen's University Belfast.


Registration Fees: Standard ticket both days £10 |Standard ticket one day only £5| Student/unwaged Free

Advance registration required by 16 November 2018 at


The conference dinner will take place on Friday 23 November and is at your own expense (£35 payable in cash only on the day, upon conference registration)



Institute of Modern Languages Research

School of Advanced Study | University of London
Room 239 | Senate House | Malet Street | London WC1E 7HU | UK

Tel: +44 (0)20 7862 8832


The School of Advanced Study at the University of London is the UK's national centre for the facilitation and promotion of research in the humanities and social sciences.





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