

Growing Up in Singapore Towards Healthy Outcomes (GUSTO) is the most
comprehensive birth cohort study over the world. The GUSTO mothers were
recruited during pregnancy between 2009 and 2010. We have followed the
GUSTO family since then. The GUSTO study collects the unique data on
cognitive functions, children behaviors, psychopathology, and brain imaging
at multiple points from birth to 7 years of age. We aim to study whether
mother’s mood, diet, and family lifestyle since pregnancy affect 1) their
babies’ cognitive and brain development; 2) psychopathology later in life.
We also aim to examine the role of genetics in such maternal influences.

We are looking for postdoctoral fellows who are interested in the GUSTO


1.     PHD in Cognitive Neuroscience, or Psychology, or Imaging Genetics;

2.     Experience with MRI-based neuroimage techniques;

   1. Knowledge in statistical analysis is necessary;
   2. Good communication and writing skills in English language;
   3. Knowledge in longitudinal analysis will be plus plus.

If you are interested in the jobs listed above, please send your CV to

Dean’s Chair, Associate Prof. Anqi QIU

Department of Biomedical Engineering

National University of Singapore

Email: [log in to unmask]

Phone: +(65) 6516 7002


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