

Hello FSL experts,

I am running into a problem trying to run eddy on my data. I'm trying to run data acquired with a Philips scanner, (single shot, echo spacing=.69902, epi factor=41, per MR tech). Our data has 32 DW volumes, plus one b0 acquired at the end, A>P. Unfortunately only the single b0 and no other scans running in the other direction that could be run through topup. My command is:

eddy_openmp --imain=data.nii --mask=b0_ss_mask.nii --index=index.txt --acqp=acqp.txt --bvecs=data.bvec --bvals=data.bval --out

It runs for a few minutes until it tries to calculate parameter updates, then prints "Killed" and terminates. Bvals and bvecs reflect the number of volumes in data, acqp (dwelltime=0.027) and index should accurately reflect the acquisition parameters. 

Your help is greatly appreciated.



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