With all due respect

to the call for the quietness and politeness, I remind that usually and probably only passionate people act against the misconduct and/or immoral behaviors. The silent/polite majority all the times enjoy the fruits of the actions of whistle blowers et al. Academic people have to educate their self about the hard price paid by the whistle blowers in academic world. It is enough to protect such people and respect their courage, even if they disturb the dead silence of the lab.


On 2018-09-17 17:48, Bill Cayley, Jr wrote:
[log in to unmask]">
I appreciate Jim McCormack's thoughts... Evidence based medicine needs to be about discussion of the EVIDENCE. Clearly personal feeling and perspectives come into play in ANY interpretation of information (scientific evidence included) but for the good of all we need to aim for clear, transparent, and (hopefully) dispassionate discussion of the merits of evidence...


Bill Cayley, Jr, MD MDiv  
Work: 715.286.2270
Pager: 715.838.7940
Mobile: 715.828.4636
A cheerful heart is good medicine...  (Proverbs 17:22)


Vasiliy V. Vlassov, MD
President, Society for Evidence Based Medicine, osdm.org
Professor, National Research University Higher School of Economics
e-mail: vlassov[a t]cochrane.ru
Web page https://www.hse.ru/en/org/persons/14527416
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