
Is there any sever available to create electron density maps for cryo-em structures?

The questions are nonsensical. Here is why:

1) In cryo-EM maps are not electron density maps but surfaces representing electric potential.

2) Creating such a map is essentially carrying on from cryo-EM experiment and obtaining the 3D reconstruction.

Are you really sure about what you are asking for?
Or, we should create the maps from mmCIF.

mmCIF is a file format. It may contain representations of rabbits, boysenberries or some diffraction data. So.. how you think it may be related to cryo-EM, in your particular case?
I am particularly interested in those cryo-em structures with high resolution, like 2.6~2.8A. 

Sure, all are excited about high-res cryo-EM!!! 
Please give me an education.

Sure. One of available universities can do this.


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