

The next talk in the Vision@UCL series is on the 20th of September @5:00pm, in G03,  26 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AP: 


Speaker: Dr Valérie Goffaux, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium


Title: Orientation and spatial frequency encoding in the ventral visual pathway: the case of face perception in humans


Visual perception results from a complex chain of processes, starting with the selective encoding of spatial frequency and orientation in primary visual cortex. More anterior high-level regions have increasingly larger receptive field making them selective to increasingly more complex shape properties or to specific visual categories such as faces. This high-level specialization has led researchers to focus their investigation on the high-level properties of face perception.


Our work combines multiple investigation techniques: psychophysics, electrophysiology (scalp EEG, steady-state and temporal generalization), as well as neuroimaging (fMRI of V1 and high-level visual regions) and suggests that the specialization of face processing, though emerging at high-level stages of visual processing, roots into selective ranges of the primary orientation and SF information in V1. These findings encourage the adoption of more integrative approaches to face perception, and vision in general, encompassing both low- and high-level visual mechanisms.


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