

Would it be feasible to link that to a first raised ALP? (Or first within a specified time window?)


On 4 Sep 2018, at 16:15, BRIGGS, Joel (NHS WESTERN ISLES) <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear All

I am in the process of changing the LFT profile at my trust to remove GGT from the standard request and only perform either on a direct request or reflexed from a raised ALP.  My problem is at what level to set the reflex rule.  If I set it at anything outside our upper ALP reference range (>130 U/L) my evaluation suggests an 80% reduction in GTT requests, If I set it slightly wider (>140 U/L) the reduction goes up to 90%.  

I'd be really interested to know of what level other places use for reflexing GGT and the basis for that decision.

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