Dear Drs. Adeel Razi and Peter Zeidman (and SPM/DCM experts),

I am trying to perform large-scale DCM analysis for resting-state fMRI data. I have 9 regions of interest - defined based on MNI coordinates from literature.

I am interested in comparing the connectivity between these 9 regions between two groups: B and G.  So I ran following steps (just to test, I used two subjects per group) using PEB wiki guidelines:

-------------------- Steps I ran:-------------------- 
% Two Groups: B and G
% DCM_DMN_B1.mat: Full model for subject 1 for group B
% DCM_DMN_B2.mat: Full model for subject 2 for group B
% DCM_DMN_G1.mat: Full model for subject 1 for group G
% DCM_DMN_G2.mat: Full model for subject 2 for group G

GCM = {'DCM_DMN_B1.mat';'DCM_DMN_B2.mat';'DCM_DMN_G1.mat';'DCM_DMN_G2.mat'}; 
GCM(:,1) = spm_dcm_fit(GCM(:,1));

GCM = spm_dcm_peb_fit(GCM);

% Specify PEB model settings
N = 4; % number of subjects
M = struct();
M.alpha = 1;
M.beta  = 16;
M.hE    = 0;
M.hC    = 1/16;
M.Q     = 'single';

% Specify design matrix for N subjects
M.X = ones(N,1);

% Choose field
field = {'A'};

% Estimate model
PEB     = spm_dcm_peb(GCM,M,field);


BMA = spm_dcm_peb_bmc(PEB(1));

This runs successfully, but my output is showing a blank connectivity matrix (no connectivity between any pair of nodes among 9), even at no threshold. For your convenience, here I am attaching one *.mat file (DCM_DMN_B1.mat) (dropbox link: and final output screen shot. Also, its showing that there is one covariate, I am not sure what is that, as I didn't define any covariate in above steps.

Could you please confirm if the above steps are correct and help me in figuring out what I am doing wrong here while comparing two groups: B and G? Also, any documentation to interpret the final results will be really useful.

Thank you so much !
