

Dear Yann,

difficult to say without seeing the data. Because the main difference in version 12.5 is the handling of WMHs you can try the disable the option for WMH detection. However, this also depends on your data. If there are WMHs indeed present in your data it’s a choice between trying to fill WMHs for spatial registration (and a potential fail of that correction) and the affected spatial registration due to remaining WMHs in your data.



Christian Gaser, Ph.D.
Professor of Computational Neuroscience/Neuroimaging
Biomagnetic Center
Structural Brain Mapping Group
Department of Neurology
Jena University Hospital
Am Klinikum 1, D-07747 Jena, Germany
Tel: ++49-3641-9325778 Fax: ++49-3641-9325772
e-mail: [log in to unmask]

On 14 Aug 2018, at 8:46, Yann Quidé wrote:

Dear Christian,

Thanks for the release of cat12.5.

However, I received an error message regarding AMAP segmentation that never occurred (on the same subject) with previous releases.

Do you have any idea what can go wrong?

I have attached the log for your information.

