

Dear Christian,

Thanks for your reminder.

What's about the earlier version that before 12.4? Does these also contain severe error? If I have already used these versions (before 12.4) to preprocess the data, need I re-preprocess the data using the version 12.5?


发件人:Christian Gaser <[log in to unmask]>
发送时间:2018-08-13 23:16
主题:[SPM] New CAT12 version 12.5 and issues with 12.4
收件人:"SPM"<[log in to unmask]>

Dear CAT12 users, 

I still had no luck with CAT12 version 12.4. The last release 1352 also contained a severe error in spatial registration. Thus, version 12.4 should not be used because this error affected all normalized images and ROI values. Please don't use any data which were preprocessed with version 12.4! 

The new version 12.5 was tested more carefully using a better validation check against previous CAT12 versions to hopefully prevent these errors in future. Sorry, for the mess!  

The new version is now named with an additional "rc1" to indicate that this is a release candidate for the new version. There are two substantial changes in the new version: 
(1) Detection of white matter hyperintensities (WMHs) is updated and again enabled by default. 
(2) The default internal interpolation setting is now "Fixed 1 mm" and offers a good trade-off between optimal quality and preprocessing time and memory demands. Standard structural data with a voxel resolution around 1 mm or even data with high in-plane resolution and large slice thickness (e.g. 0.5x0.5x1.5 mm) will benefit from this setting. If you have higher native resolutions the highres option "Fixed 0.8 mm" will sometimes offer slightly better preprocessing quality with an increase of preprocessing time and memory demands. 

Use the update function in CAT12 or download CAT12 here:  

