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Hi everybody,

I'm doing a realist evaluation of a digital platform offering people to join and connect with others in their community as a way to enhance sense of belonging, and most importantly, mental health. 
In the last part op my study I would like to use the knowlegde I've gained from the realistic evaluation to make suggestions to policy makers to either make adjustments to the initiative or suggestions for future programs - or actually what I would like is to develop some kind of prestages for a future program, possibly targeting a specific subgroup of interest. 
I'm interested in the development of complex interventions - and was wondering about the posibility to link the realist evaluation to the development of complex interventions. Does any of you have any suggestions, or ideas for articles on this matter?


Lærke Mai Bonde Andersen

Cand. scient. Soc. 
Department of Health Science and Technology. Public Health and Epidemiology Group.
Aalborg University | Niels Jernes Vej 14, A3-207a | 9220 Aalborg East. Denmark.
Email: [log in to unmask] | Tlf.: (+45) 41440103 

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