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I'm going to propose a realist approach for the evaluation of a child
welfare intervention (peer parent mentoring services). The catch is the
funder (the US federal government) is asking for the standard (quasi)
experimental design with a focus on outcomes-indicators-measures.  This is
the case even though the funding is only for three years and the emphasis
is on outcomes that are typically at least a couple of years out!
I haven't written a proposal for RE before and I'm hoping someone will be
willing to share language they've used to argue for the value of the
approach in a context where the funder is unfamiliar with (if not perhaps
skeptical of) alternatives to "standard" evaluation practice, at least in
the U.S.  Or if not to explicitly argue for, to present RE in a way that
makes clear its value to efforts to identify program impacts, as well as
program theory.
Any and all advice and encouragement is welcome and appreciated!
-Anna Rockhill
Sr. Research Associate
Portland State University

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