Help shape a new national research programme on ethnic inequalities and severe mental illness in the UK



The first national online survey of its kind to give members of the public the opportunity to set the research priorities in the field of ethnic inequalities and severe mental illness has just been launched. 


Led by the Synergi Collaborative Centre, the national public survey will shape the centre’s future work programme, facilitate the creation of research strategies to tackle mental health inequalities and help launch a national campaign to transform health systems.


Reflective of Synergi’s co-production of knowledge approach, the 15-minute survey aims to secure the opinions of a wide cross section of the public, including interested members of the public, service users, carers, health and social care practitioners, doctors, commissioners, NGOs, volunteers, students and academics.


The survey is being launched against a backdrop of longstanding ethnic inequalities, including the fact that compared to the majority population, a diagnosis of schizophrenia is five to six times more likely in Black African people and Black Caribbean people, and nearly three times more likely in South Asian people. As for detention rates among the civil population, Black Caribbean people and Black African people are three times more likely to be detained.


Open to the public until 10 October 2018, the survey covers a wide range of topics that accommodate intersectionality, the criminal justice system, housing, education, homelessness, health services, racism and commissioning.


The main findings will be shared with policymakers, research institutions and commissioners, and will be made available to the public from November 2018. 


The official link to the National Public Survey on Ethnic Inequalities and Severe Mental Illness is:


Please take part and feel free to circulate.


Best wishes,


The Synergi Collaborative Centre




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