To all colleagues who are planning to do a piece of research that’s connected to Learning Development:

ALDinHE are delighted to let you know that the call for research applications for ALDinHE funding 2018/2019 will go out later this month.

The call and the supporting information will be disseminated via LDHEN, SEDA, and the ALDinHE website. You can also follow @aldinhe_LH  on Twitter to stay informed.

 Please stay tuned for further updates!



Best wishes,

Maria Kukhareva


ALDinHE Steering group member

Research Development Working Group Co-chair









Dr Maria Kukhareva

D.Prof, MBA, BA (Hons), SFHEA

Centre for Learning Excellence

University of Bedfordshire


Tel.: 01582489707


My TED talk on resilience

Doctoral research





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