

Our partners in AALL don’t think much of it at all! We were talking about it in our International Consortium steering group meeting the other night, funnily enough. This has been something that’s been doing the rounds for a couple of years, and not even Australian students are keen on it, that’s how bad it is. 

General consensus seems to be resist at all costs.

Best wishes,

Dr Carina Buckley SFHEA, Co-Chair of ALDinHE 

Instructional Design Manager

Solent Learning and Teaching Institute 

Solent University

T: 023 8201 3336

From: Helen Webster
Reply-To: Helen Webster
Date: Thursday, 5 July 2018 at 11:42
To: "[log in to unmask]"
Subject: studiosity

Apparently there has been some interest in the Heads of E-learning Forum list about Studiosity, an Australian service that offers feedback on student writing, because I’ve had two emails from our learning technologists and education developers this morning… 


I’ve had a quick look both at the site and a report by Ulster university who piloted it – I can’t say I’m impressed. It looks like yet another simple solution to a complex problem which dodges the real issues, and not very in line with ALDinHE’s values or practices, but it’s worryingly attractive to both universities and students, offering a quick fix of what seem to be largely surface features.


Has anyone else come across it, and, since it’s an Australian company, what do our partners in AALL think of it?


Best wishes




Dr Helen Webster

ALDinHE Certified Leading Practitioner, SFHEA, PGCE


Head of the Academic Writing Development Centre
Philip Robinson Library
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne


Tel: 0191 208 5650



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