Transforming Assessment Webinar Update
[Via JISCmail - this is not direct email - apologies for any cross posting]
Please forward to interested colleagues!

1) Recording available: Transforming Feedback: AHE2018 post conference review. Held 11 July 2018.

Panel Chair - Prof Sally Jordan (Open university, UK)
* Theresa Nicholson, Manchester Metropolitan University "Frequent rapid feedback, feed-forward, and peer learning, for enhancing student engagement in online portfolio assessment".
* Mark Glynn, Dublin City University "VACS - Video Assessment of Clinical Skills".
* Naomi Winstone, University of Surrey "Feedback footprints: Using learning analytics to support student engagement with, and learning from, feedback".

View and download resources:

2) Next session: Unlocking the code to digital literacy - implications for learning and assessment 1 Aug 2018.

Presenter: Associate Professor Jo Coldwell-Neilson (Deakin University, Australia)

In this session Jo will present an updated understanding of digital literacy that encapsulates the broader, ubiquitous nature of digital technologies, together with the elements that underpin the understanding. This provides a framework to scaffold and contextualise digital literacy learning through the curriculum and inform assessment practices to ensure our graduates are prepared for a digitally enhanced workplace.

Further information and registration:

3) Upcoming Australian e-Exams workshops and Symposium - Australian national OLT funded e-Exams project 'Transforming Exams Across Australia'.

-> A series of short summary Roadshow Workshops on preliminary findings from the e-Exams project will be held around Australia over the remainder of 2018.
Sessions are planned in Adelaide (adjacent Exams Network conf), Brisbane (adjacent MoodleMOOT), Canberra (adjacent EdTechPosium), Hobart, Perth and Sydney.
Further details of dates and locations will appear as details are confirmed via this link:

-> A full day e-Exams symposium (mini conference) will be held 24 November 2018 in Melbourne, Australia.
This mini-conference will feature two international guest speakers from Austria (university e-exams) and Finland (high school matriculation e-exams) speaking about their implementation projects. Detailed findings from the Australian national project that saw development of an authentic, robust, e-exams platform and 20 trials across 10 Australian university partners. Issues such as pedagogical sophistication, assessment design, logistics, scalability, ease of use and student experience will also be discussed. All are welcome.
You can submit an Expression of interest in attending at:
(you will be notified when registration opens - expected AU$195)
You may register an 'expression of interest in attending' now. We will contact you when registration opens.

Further information:
The Transforming Assessment webinars are part of a series of free events covering a range of assessment and e-assessment topics.
Sessions are hosted by Professor Geoffrey Crisp, PVC Education, University of New South Wales and Dr Mathew Hillier, Monash Education Academy, Monash University, Australia.
Further information on this and future events, recordings of past sessions, links to resources and participation/technical help on using the virtual seminar system can be found on our website at

Support for this activity has been provided by the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (as the 'e-Assessment SIG'), the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching, University of New South Wales, Monash University and the University of Queensland. The views expressed in this publication/activity do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsoring institutions.

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Dr Mathew Hillier
Honorary Academic/Snr Lecturer
The Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation
(was 'Teaching and Educational Development Institute'),
The University of Queensland, Australia
Substantive post:
Academic/Snr Lecturer
Monash Education Academy,
Monash University, Clayton Campus (Melbourne), Australia
Transforming Assessment
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