Dear colleagues,


The POSTDATA project would like you to participate in a special issue of the journal Revista de Poética Medieval. The issue will focus on the state of the art of poetic resources online. Thus, we would like you to write either a scientific paper or a technical report that must highlight the importance of an online poetic repertoire of any European tradition in Literary Scholarship.


Revista de Poética Medieval is indexed in multiple databases that verify the quality of the publication such as Latindex or ERIH Plus.


Please find attached the author guidelines (a Spanish version is available at the journal’s website). Revista de Poética Medieval operates with a double blind peer review policy. In order to not rush the reviewing process, we ask you to be very mindful of the deadlines. The first version of your manuscript should be submitted before November 15th.


Additional information about the journal may be found in the following link:

If you have any questions about the submission, please contact Helena Bermúdez ([log in to unmask]).


We are looking forward to receiving your contribution.


Warm regards from the coordinator of this issue,


Elena González-Blanco




Luciana Ayciriex

R&D Project Manager

Laboratorio de Innovación en Humanidades Digitales

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática, UNED

Juan del Rosal, 16
28040 MADRID

tel. 913988239

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