

Hi all,

Apologies for quite a long post, but I would be really grateful if people were able to aid my thinking on this.

Yesterday I was with an organisation that provides support to vulnerable and at risk men, including sex workers and those who are street homeless.  Obviously they need to make contact with these people so they do outreach work.  As we are all no doubt aware it is not difficult to find street homeless people, so the outreach involves going onto the street and talking to them.  However, sex workers nowadays tend to advertise themselves online so the organisation set up a programme of seeking these men out online and contacting them using their online contact details to offer support.  The response was very positive indeed, and many of them took up the offer of support.

The organisation then contacted the ICO for advice on retention periods, but when they described the programme the ICO said (over the phone, naturally, not in writing) that what they were doing contravened PECR because they were marketing their services using electronic means without prior consent.  So the programme was terminated.

The men involved are very likely to be vulnerable and at risk in the first place, and become more so when they take up sex work.  The abandonment of the programme therefore has the likely consequence that individuals come to serious harm that might otherwise have been prevented.

I understand the ICO wishing to have a definition of marketing that leaves no loopholes, but in my view, Data Protection is about protecting people, so this outcome seems perverse.  There does not seem to be any other reasonable way in which the organisation could contact these men.

So my questions are:

  1. Is this just an unfortunate consequence that we have to live with in the interests of the greater good?
  2. Has the ICO interpreted its own guidance on marketing correctly?
  3. If so, is there any basis or mechanism for challenging their guidance, either informally or formally?
Best wishes,


Paul Ticher
22 Stoughton Drive North, Leicester LE5 5UB
0116 273 8191

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